Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Leaving a Legacy


"When a man dies, his deeds come to an end, except for 3 - a continuous charity, knowledge by which people derive benefit and a pious son who prays for him." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

To me, this Hadith is the essence of the modern-day phrase, "Leaving a Legacy". 

As the sun rises every day, we are reminded of the time we have for the few or many moments in that day, to do all that we can to ensure that we engage in some form of charity, learning and passing on of knowledge and in the upbringing of our children. 

The time and opportunity to self-develop by seeking beneficial knowledge, the realization of the proper care and attention we ought to give our families to nurture their righteousness, meanwhile sharing our knowledge, wealth and other blessings to benefit society while we are living and also such that the effects go beyond our small span of earthly life is really the greatest gift of perspective that one can be blessed with. 

Ya Allah, help me to grasp the depth of this Hadith. 

Ya Allah, help me to use many moments of my day to seek beneficial knowledge. Ya Allah, help me to translate that knowledge into action, step by step, improving upon that each and every day. Ya Allah, help me to inspire others around me, my family and my friends, all the people I come into contact with to benefit from the knowledge that I gained and practice.  

Ya Allah, help me to nurture my children with a sense of righteousness. Help me, Ya Allah, to connect them with Your words. Help me to inspire them to be proud of their Islam and to eager to live and die as good Muslims. 

Ya Allah, help me to spend my time and my wealth to